About Church
Welcome to the Church
We exist to connect people to Jesus and each other
church attendance
Our Church
The purpose of our ministry is to worship God in the study of His Word, in the praise of His greatness, in the preaching of the gospel, and in works of charity.
The primary motive for the Christian’s life and ministry is God and His glory. The purpose of the universe and all living things on earth is to glorify their Creator (Psalm 150:6, Colossians 1:16, 3:23, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
The Bible makes it clear that everything that exists in this world was created by God for His glory! The glory of God is the visible attributes of God that He has chosen in His great mercy to show to men. It is the manifestation of the presence of the Lord Himself and the revelation of His character. What does it mean to live to the glory of God, to glorify God? It means to know the character of God, to recognize His daily presence, and to live in accordance with that knowledge. The Christian’s highest goal is to glorify God in every area of life.
To be a Christian is to recognize Christ as your Savior and to accept Him as Lord of your life. Real faith always manifests itself in a changed life, with the Lord Jesus Christ as the meaning and center (2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 2:10, 2 Peter 1:5-8, Philippians 2:9-11).
We devote ourselves to walking in brotherly love, being considerate and caring toward one another, sharing joys and sorrows; being slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, encouraging one another to good works, and not forsaking our assembly.
We devote ourselves to the care of the growth of the Evangelical Baptist Church in grace, knowledge, and holiness by maintaining a spirit of unity in the bond of peace, by participating in the ministries of the church, performimg the church ordinances, and preserving doctrinal purity; by willingly and sacrificially participating in financial support of the ministries of the church for the preaching of the gospel and the care of the needy.
We devote ourselves to caring for personal and family devotion to God; raising our children in the Christian faith; caring for the salvation of our family members, friends, and acquaintances; and remaining in prayer for one another and for all others.
We commit ourselves to walk in holiness and purity, rejecting impurity and worldly lusts; to be honest in our actions, and faithful in our lives, being an example to others; to abstain from gossip, and insults, and from every appearance of evil.
We commit ourselves to separation from all kinds of apostasy, and from all worldly and sinful pleasures, actions, and fellowship; always remembering our relationship with Christ, and in all circumstances, good or bad, seeking to glorify His name.
About the Church
Evangelical Baptist Church was the first Slavic church organized in the first half of the 20th century in the Cleveland metropolitan area. The church was formed by Russian and Ukrainian immigrants and continues to preach the Gospel today.
The ministry of the church is closely connected with the ministry of the Russian-Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Union in the USA.