Resurrection Day

- March 28, 2024
- By EB Church
- No Responses
Easter Greetings to you!
“He has Risen!” – Luk 24:6-7
“I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die” – John 11:25-26. What a powerful and awakening statement it is! Do you notice that Jesus did not say, “I will be the resurrection, and I will be the life”? He said, “I am the resurrection and the life.” It is in the present tense. Yes, Easter isn’t just an historical event that took place more than two thousand years ago. Easter is a “here and now” reality, God’s life-giving power that empowers and renews.
Because of the Resurrection, no situation is beyond God’s redeeming power and love. Because of the Resurrection, we can journey through whatever situations we face in this world. Christ`s Resurrection enables us to face tomorrow with confidence and boldness.
In the Gospel of Matthew, we read how an angel appeared to the women at the tomb early that first Easter morning. The angel explained to them that Jesus was not there because he had been raised from the dead, just as he said! Matthew tells us that the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy. “…they departed quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy” – Matt 28:8.
That’s what the resurrection does. It takes our fear, our worry, our hurt, our sadness…and it puts it all into perspective, and fills us with everlasting joy.
The fact that Jesus is risen from the dead, that he is victorious over death and sin, is reason to celebrate. Let’s rejoice and celebrate the miracle and triumph of Christ’s resurrection.
“The Lord has risen indeed!” – Luk 24:34
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